Neo classic |
The neoclassic is a style for those who gravitates to classics, but aspires to keep up to date. Habitual, "antiquarian" forms get quite modern sounding, thanks to the newest materials and soft color scale. The modern classical form is a little simplified and schematized; it became more rational and functional. The neoclassic is a minimalism plus of the classic in those proportions which you for yourselves choose.
Classicism - a consequence of reconsideration of antique samples of architecture artists and architects of a century XVII. Neoclassic of the XXI-st century - a consequence of reconsideration of an epoch of classicism artists and architects of our time.
Lines of neoclassic
The quiet squared shapes, the reserved and at the same time various decorative registration, full of advantage, but not the elaborate kind, the verified proportions are peculiar to neoclassicism.
The premises executed in neoclassical style, differ in the considerable size of rooms, wide ladder marches. If in your apartment the big rooms and high ceilings, neoclassic - the safe decision in a style choice. In reproduction of neoclassical interiors the architectural elements sending us to antique samples are used.
The luxury and squandering are alien to the modern classics - to be proud of riches always was considered as a bad form. Sense of proportion allows reaching in all restraint and simplicity and at the expense of use of modern technologies and the equipment functionality of a premise is reached. The stylistics and observance of proportions are very important in such interior, after all furniture dimensions should correspond to the premise area.
With what the neoclassic begins
House reconstruction under neoclassical style means full processing of an interior of your apartment up to re-planning. To begin with it is necessary to choose the semantic center of the future composition - for certain it will be a drawing room. Hit in a drawing room is undesirable at an input in the house. It is good, if from a hall or a hall the beautiful kind on it opens. Decorative columns, arches, semi arches from gypsum cardboard are for this purpose used. Any partitions are thus undesirable. For zoning of space it is better to use semicolumns and columns. Architraves, pilasters - all are indispensable attributes of classical style in architecture. Various to destination the space should flow as though from one in another. But main is an observance of classical proportions.
It is possible to place antique ornaments (for example, akant, a meander) under the ceiling, thereby hinting at high colonnades of antiquity.
But at all don't forget about laws of construction of space in a classical interior. It not only strictly certain proportions, but also symmetry.
As to materials, that, undoubtedly, the best decision will be use of the same materials, as at the time of classicism (for example, a tufa, a granite and marble). The floor in a classical interior can be executed from parquet, as a last resort, it is possible to put a carpet with geometrical drawing.
Scenery is the facilitated reconstruction of style in a modern classical interior. Here use only the several decorative elements alternating among them and setting a certain strict rhythm is justified. More often in a role of the cores setting the main theme of architectural elements are used such, as a frieze, a column, a pediment, pilasters. For example, nothing a propping up column in the drawing room center become easy can the composition center, from it you will already build other decorative elements, gradually twisting all adjoining space in a uniform stylistic picture.
Furniture and accessories in neoclassical style
The integral condition of success, undoubtedly, high quality of painting and decorating performed by an interior and pieces of furniture is. The main thing - any superfluous details: each component bears the history and is executed inimitable importance. At furniture decor as there can be motives of columns. It can be and supports racks, corners and end faces of cases, and also legs of soft and case furniture. If it is impossible to find the furniture set entirely executed in antique style, it is easily possible to pick up some elements, directly specifying in an accessory to classical style. They not only will relieve you of awkwardness and excessive deliberate, but also is underlined special refinement of your interior.
At use of style details of the necessary effect it is possible to reach the most minimum means: for example, by means of an antique vase or a sculpture. Besides, it is possible to use shod supports instead of usual shelves that also will add to your interior of classical fig. It is found pictures on an antique theme or the ornament of textiles reproducing classical motives look.
Colors in a neoclassical interior
Important attribute in a neoclassical interior are light tone of walls and furniture. Use of soft paints is almost obligatory stroke of a reconstruction of a classical interior.
The color scale of registration of neutral or monochrome shades will elegantly look in a neoclassical interior. In general, the neutral color scale is very convenient: she creates pacifying house conditions and, at the same time, allows freshening it by means of accents. Pale nuances in colors are always actual and fine. Effect of simplicity and refined luxury it is possible to reach, using cream tone of a genuine leather and silk, color of flax or an egg shell. Further pale shades can perfectly add color combinations to subjects of pastel tones.
If you the supporter of color contrasts, necessarily take an interest in a harmonious combination of shades. For example, the dark blue color symbolizing stability and force, perfectly contrasts with "inversion" - red-orange. For creation of ideal harmony add this ensemble saturated with terracotta shades. Luxury will add the dark sated Bordeaux, is mossy-green and brown: these shades often meet in expensive velvet, leather and wooden products.
Apartments in classical style, undoubtedly, are made by good impression about the owner. Classical style in furniture testifies to the high status of its owner. Classical style of apartment is chosen usually by serious and purposeful people.
The modern classic in an interior is a beauty and the comfort adapted for life. Therefore create the oases of beauty and harmony, according to councils of designers and being guided by own predilections. Also remember, elegance - is a synonym of neoclassical style.